Yet another side-scrolling beat-’em-up, this one was met with a mixed critical reception. This one, however, would be for the hot new Game Boy Advance. X-Men: Reign of Apocalypse (2001) – Determined to not throw in the towel, Digital Eclipse and Activision would team up again to release X-Men: Reign of Apocalypse just one week after the release of Mutant Academy 2. Like the original Mutant Academy, this one received mostly favorable reviews. X-Men: Mutant Academy 2 (2001) – Returning to the PlayStation (and ditching the Game Boy Color altogether), Paradox Development and Activision would release the sequel to X-Men: Mutant Academy, the aptly named X-Men: Mutant Academy 2, in September of 2001 for Sony PlayStation. Here’s yet another run-of-the-mill side-scrolling beat-’em-up to add to the scrap pile. Developed by Digital Eclipse and published by Activision, it would fall victim to middling reviews. In May of 2001, X-Men: Wolverine’s Rage landed on Nintendo’s handheld console in North America (it came out in Europe in June). X-Men: Wolverine’s Rage (2001) – The X-Men hadn’t given up on the Game Boy Color quite yet. Mutant Wars was developed by Hal Corporation and AVIT, Inc., and published by Activision. Again, this one was mostly panned by critics. Although its North American release was just two weeks before the DVD release of that year’s X-Men movie, the GBC game didn’t fare as well as the film. X-Men: Mutant Wars released in November of 2000, offering a return to the tried-and-true side-scrolling action beat-’em-up genre. X-Men: Mutant Wars (2000) – It wasn’t long before Mutant Academy was followed by another Game Boy Color game.

The PlayStation version was received positively, but, perhaps unsurprisingly, the Game Boy Color version was mostly panned. It was a traditional fighting game with some PSOne-era 3D character models, and the box art boasted that it featured “costumes from the movie” (the game released on July 14, the same day the first X-Men movie landed in theaters). X-Men: Mutant Academy (2000) – Released for both Sony Playstation and Game Boy Color in the summer of 2000, X-Men: Mutant Academy was developed by Paradox Development and published by Activision.